Някой ден ще взема да я преведа като хората тая стихосбирка на мис Милей. Ама засега ги карам едно по едно от време на време. Ей, на.
WHAT should I be but a
prophet and a liar,
Whose mother was a leprechaun, whose father was a friar?
Teethed on a crucifix and cradled under water,
What should I be but the fiend's god-daughter?
Whose mother was a leprechaun, whose father was a friar?
Teethed on a crucifix and cradled under water,
What should I be but the fiend's god-daughter?
And who should be my
playmates but the adder and the frog,
That was got beneath a furze-bush and born in a bog?
And what should be my singing, that was christened at an altar,
But Aves and Credos and Psalms out of the Psalter?
That was got beneath a furze-bush and born in a bog?
And what should be my singing, that was christened at an altar,
But Aves and Credos and Psalms out of the Psalter?
You will see such webs on
the wet grass, maybe,
As a pixie-mother weaves for her baby,
You will find such flame at the wave's weedy ebb
As flashes in the meshes of a mer-mother's web,
As a pixie-mother weaves for her baby,
You will find such flame at the wave's weedy ebb
As flashes in the meshes of a mer-mother's web,
But there comes to birth
no common spawn
From the love of a priest for a leprechaun,
And you never have seen and you never will see
Such things as the things that swaddled me!
From the love of a priest for a leprechaun,
And you never have seen and you never will see
Such things as the things that swaddled me!
After all's said and after
all's done,
What should I be but a harlot and a nun?
What should I be but a harlot and a nun?
In through the bushes, on
any foggy day,
My Da would come a-swishing of the drops away,
With a prayer for my death and a groan for my birth,
A-mumbling of his beads for all that he was worth.
My Da would come a-swishing of the drops away,
With a prayer for my death and a groan for my birth,
A-mumbling of his beads for all that he was worth.
And there sit my Ma, her
knees beneath her chin,
A-looking in his face and a-drinking of it in,
And a-marking in the moss some funny little saying
That would mean just the opposite of all that he was praying!
A-looking in his face and a-drinking of it in,
And a-marking in the moss some funny little saying
That would mean just the opposite of all that he was praying!
He taught me the holy-talk
of Vesper and of Matin,
He heard me my Greek and he heard me my Latin,
He blessed me and crossed me to keep my soul from evil,
And we watched him out of sight, and we conjured up the devil!
He heard me my Greek and he heard me my Latin,
He blessed me and crossed me to keep my soul from evil,
And we watched him out of sight, and we conjured up the devil!
Oh, the
things I haven't seen and the things I haven't known,
What with hedges and ditches till after I was grown,
And yanked both ways by my mother and my father,
With a "Which would you better?" and a "Which would you rather?"
What with hedges and ditches till after I was grown,
And yanked both ways by my mother and my father,
With a "Which would you better?" and a "Which would you rather?"
With him for a sire and
her for a dam,
What should I be but just what I am?
What should I be but just what I am?
Пеещата жена от покрайнините на гората
Какво съм аз,
ако не пророк и лъжец,
чиято майка е
елф, а баща й отец?
Закърмена с
кръста и под вода потопена,
какво съм аз,
ако не на Звяра роднина?
И с кого да
другарувам, ако не с змии и жабоци,
пръкнали се
между блатните треволяци?
И каква ли песен
да пея, на олтар осветена,
ако не молитви
и тропари, и псалми от Псалтира?
Такъв воал може
да откриете в тревата,
изтъкан от на
майка-фея ръката.
Пламък такъв е
вплетен в тревистите вълни,
където в мрежата
на майка-русалка блести.
Но що за чедо
може да се добие
от любовта на
свещеник и фея?
Нивгаш не сте
видели, а и няма по света
създания, каквито
ме топлеха в люлката.
Така че, каква
бих могла да бъда аз,
ако не монахиня
и развратница?
Поел през
храсталака в някой ден мъглив,
задава се тате,
с капчици покрит.
За смъртта ми
се моли, рождението ми проклина
и трака с
броеницата си чак до амина.
А ето я мама, на
колене лице подпира,
в неговото лице
ненаситно се взира
и в горския мъх
с пръсти думи реди,
противни на
всички негови молитви.
Той ме учи сутрин
и вечер да славя бога,
научи ме гръцки
и латински да говоря,
благослови ме
и ме кръсти, да ми спаси душата,
но щом ни обърне
гръб, ний призоваваме сатаната!
О, колко неща от
мене скрити останаха
зад плетове и
канавки, додето не пораснах аз.
И как ме разкъсваха
татко и майка
между „Кое
предпочиташ?“ и „Кое подобава?“.
С такива
именно двама господари
съм аз, ако не тяхно създание?
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