вторник, 11 декември 2012 г.
Едно от хубавите неща, които ми се случиха тази година, беше, че си надвих мързела и преведох цялата "11/22/63" на Стивън Кинг. Добрите хора от Читанката пък приеха и качиха моя превод. Може да се види тук.
понеделник, 10 декември 2012 г.
Възможна история
Ето го стихчето, а след него и моят недодялан, но доброжелателен превод.
A Story That Could Be True
William Stafford
If you were exchanged in the cradle and
your real mother died
without ever telling the story
then no one knows your name,
and somewhere in the world
your father is lost and needs you
but you are far away.
He can never find
how true you are, how ready.
When the great wind comes
and the robberies of the rain
you stand on the corner shivering.
The people who go by--
you wonder at their calm.
They miss the whisper that runs
any day in your mind,
"Who are you really, wanderer?"--
and the answer you have to give
no matter how dark and cold
the world around you is:
"Maybe I'm a king."
Възможна история
Уилям Стафорд
Ако в люлката те подменят
и майка ти погине преди
да го е споделила, тогава
името ти е загадка
и някъде в света баща ти
изгубен те очаква,
но ти си надалече.
Той няма да научи
колко си достоен ти и зрял.
Когато вихър се извие
и дъжд краде топлината
ти на ъгъла стоиш треперещ.
На хорския покой
безспирно се дивиш.
Те не чуват шепота, вилнеещ
всеки ден из твоята глава.
„Кой си ти всъщност, страннико?“
А отговорът, който ще дадеш,
ако й мрачен и студен,
на безразличния свят е:
„Може би съм крал?“
Сърдечен порок
Сърцето ми, въжеиграч,
на твоя поглед се надява,
но и не смее да го проси,
защото ти си чиста, бяла и далечна,
а аз съм тук - в мъглата и в дъжда.
Сърцето каменно тежи,
когато твоите очи
ме отминават.
Сърцето ми отмерва празни дни.
Сърцето ми не те забравя.
сряда, 14 ноември 2012 г.
История с котка... пак
Ами, какво да кажа - животът ми просто не е пълен без някакво котешко присъствие, а откакто личният ми котешки ангел се спомина, досегът ми с котешки душици се ограничава до хрнене на улични маци. И от време на време спасяване на някоя заблудена душа.
Тази вечер, например, на връщане от работа, в уютния мрак на неосветените ни квартални улици, чух някъде над главата си звукът, който може да ме спре от километри разстояние - нещастен котешки плач. Едва успях да го забележа в мрака, ама все пак различих една малка и пищяща котешка топка на един клон към три мера над земята. Явно, като е учил в училище как се катери дърво, е забравил да научи как се слиза. И си плачеше там нещастно. И какво можех да направя аз, освен да скачам и да му подвиквам хайде вече да слезеш от там, мацо, айде бе, аз ще те хвана, айде скачай беееее!
Добре че наблизо имаше удобно ситуиран животински магазин, та купих малко гранули, с чиято миризма да го примамя. Накрая, след като обиколих цялото дърво и с котът пробвахме три-четири различни подхода по няколко клона, дребният кот се смъкна до място, където можах да го хвана и да го смачкам веднъж, преди да го оставя да си гризе заслужените гризини.
Накрая искам да изкажа служебна благодарност на незнайния собственик на колата, до която бях застанала, докато виках с пълно гърло нагоре към котът, задето не си беше включил алармата. Благодаря. Много. Покрай пищяща котка и пищяща Деница, само пищяща аларма ни липсваше.
сряда, 10 октомври 2012 г.
Абе, не съм от тях, обаче...
Аз не съм от ония хора, ясно? Не съм вманиачена на тема "чистота на родния език", не си скубя косите всеки пък, когато попадна на някоя чуждица в речта ни. Разбирам, че те са нужни, съгласна съм, че понякога са по-изразителни или по-съдържателни, или по-точни, или просто по-приятни за използване от българския си вариант.
Обаче има случаи, когато наистина ми иде да вия срещу луната - единственото, което ме спира сега, е фактът, че по видимото за мен небе не се мярка луна. Точно в момента въпросните емоции са предизвикани от два примера на толкова крещящо ненужно използване на думи, които съвсем спокойно и безболезнено могат да се заменят с български, че усещам как ми изтръпват зъбите - ИМПЛЕМЕНТИРАНЕ и СКРИНИНГ. И двата примера са от публикувани на сайта на АОП обявления на обществени поръчки.
Ама съвсем сериозно - какво им е на думите ПРИЛАГАНЕ и ПОДБОР?!?
Никак, ама никак не съм щастлива в момента. И като знам колко често проверката на списъка с обществени поръчки ме докарва до такова състояние, май е най-добре да взема да ги проверявам в края на работния ден. Пфуй, изучили се да използват големи думи. Че да вземат да научат и малко български!
неделя, 30 септември 2012 г.
Обичам си косата. Косата ми заслужава да бъде обичана. Има толкова много различни и противоричиви истории свързани с коса. От библейския Самсон, до карикатурния Тобаяс Функе от "Развитие в застой" (чиято присадена коса отхвърли тялото му), косата се явява или магически източник на сила, или паразит, който ти изпива силата. Световното човечество явно не може да се разбере по въпроса.
Моята коса, по общ семеен консенсус, досущ прилича на косата на баба ми, която аз не познавам, защото е починала преди да се родя. Майката на майка ми. Баба си не съм имала възможността да познавам, но мисля, че някъде съм виждала плитката й. Или съм си създала фалшив спомен, че съм я виждала, понеже вуйчо ми, всеки път като види моята плитка, едва ли не се просълзява и ми напомня, че все едно вижда косата на майка си.
Така де - плитката на баба ми се пази някъде из скриновете на село. Моята плитка все още е здраво прикрепена към главата ми. Обаче няма винаги да изглежда така. Белите коси засега са рядкост, но вече са постоянно присъствие. Затова реших да я увековеча. Когато някой ден, като майка ми, вече няма да помня точно какъв е бил цветът на косата ми, ще си имам спомен.
Ето на. Плитка. Дано някоя нощ не се удуша със собствената си коса.
петък, 7 септември 2012 г.
Смокини от репеи
Все така бавничко, с тъпо, но продуктивно упорство, си проправям път през стихосбирката на Една Сейнт Винсънт Милей. "Смокини от репеи" е странен израз. Във всеки случай, странен е за човек, който не познава Библията особено добре и разпознава само най-големите хитове на Бог. Добрият интернет обаче веднаг изплю препратката към Евангелия от Матей, 7:16, "По плодовете им ще ги познаете. Бере ли се грозде от тръни, или смокини от репеи?". Така че тази загадка поне беше разрешена за мен.
Сега да видим колко време ще мине докато сколасам да прехвърля цялата стихосбирка. Ето още две дребосъчета.
Извиваше край вкъщи път,
твърде красив да се тъпче с крака.
За него веднъж мама попитах.
Тя каза, че ако по пътя минех,
бих стигнал до млекарската врата.
(Затуй не съм пътувал след това.)
THERE was a road ran past our house
Too lovely to explore.
I asked my mother once–she said
That if you followed where it led
It brought you to the milk-man's door.
(That's why I have not traveled more.)
И затова ли се молих и хлипах,
проклинах и стълбите ритах,
та сега, съвсем опитомена,
да си лягам в осем и половина?
WAS it for this I uttered prayers
And sobbed and cursed and kicked the stairs,
That now, domestic as a plate,
I should retire at half-past eight?
сряда, 29 август 2012 г.
Словесни концентрати: Джак Керуак, "По пътя"
only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live,
mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same
time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn,
burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders
across the stars.
along the line I knew there’d be girls, visions, everything;
somewhere along the line the pearl would be handed to me.
I looked at the cracked high ceiling and really didn’t know who I
was for about fifteen strange seconds. I wasn’t scared; I was just
somebody else, some stranger, and my whole life was a haunted life,
the life of a ghost. I was halfway across America, at the dividing
line between the East of my youth and the West of my future, and
maybe that’s why it happened right there and then, that strange red
There was nowhere to go but everywhere.
were on the roof of America and all we could do was yell - across the
night, eastward over the Plains, where somewhere an old man with
white hair was probably walking toward us with the Word, and would
arrive any minute and make us silent.
was in California. Warm, palmy air – air you can kiss.
sun the color of pressed grapes, slashed with burgundy red, the
fields the color of love and Spanish mysteries.
is the loneliest and most brutal of American cities; New York gets
god-awful cold in the winter but there’s a feeling of wacky
comradeship somewhere in some streets. LA is a jungle.
turned at a dozen paces, for love is a duel, and looked at each other
for the last time.
understood Dean; she stroked his hair; she knew he was mad.
had to drive with his scarf-wrapped head stuck out the window, with
snowglasses that made him look like a monk peering into the
manuscripts of the snow.
don’t like madness the least bit, not Dean’s kind. The madness of
Dean had bloomed into a weird flower.
aunt once said the world would never find peace until men fell at
their women’s feet and asked for forgiveness.
had a dream about a strange Arabian figure that was pursuing me
across the desert, that finally overtook me just before I reached the
Protective City. I proposed it was myself, wearing a shroud. That
wasn’t it. Some spirit was pursuing all of us across the desert of
life and was bound to catch us before we reached heaven. Naturally,
this is only death: death will overtake us before heaven. The one
thing that we yearn for in our living days, is the remembrance of
some lost bliss that was probably experienced in the womb and can
only be reproduced in death.
was about to arrive - the moment when you know all and everything is
decided forever.
is where you promise yourself the right to live.
asked him what he was reading. He didn’t know. He didn’t bother
to look at the title page. He was only looking at the words, as
though he had found the real Torah where it belonged, in the
rails we leaned and looked at the great brown father of waters
rolling down from mid-America like the torrent of broken souls -
bearing Montana logs and Dakota muds and Iowa vales and things that
had drowned in Three Forks, where the secret began in ice.
Bull Lee was a teacher, and it may be said that he had every right to
teach because he spent all his time learning.
you start separating the people from their rivers what have you got?
know time.
wanted to get out of this mansion of the snake, this mireful drooping
dark, and zoom on back to familiar American ground and cowtowns.
There was a smell of oil and dead water in the air. This was a
manuscript of the night we couldn’t read.
morning Dean stood naked, looking at all San Francisco out the window
as the sun came up. He looked like someday he’d be the pagan mayor
of San Francisco.
suddenly realized that all these women were spending months of
loneliness and womanliness together, chatting about the madness of
the men.
so we rolled down the hill, two broken-down heroes of the Western
suddenly realized that Dean, by virtue of his enormous series of
sins, was becoming the Idiot, the Imbecile, the Saint of the lot.
got the secret that we’re all busting to find and it’s splitting
his head wide open.
Holy flowers floating in the air, were
all these tired faces in the dawn of Jazz America.
That alto man has IT and he
holds it once he finds it. Somewhere in the middle of the chorus he gets it; he
picks it up and carries. Time stops. He’s filling empty space with
the substance of our lives, confessions of his bellybottom strain,
remembrance of ideas, rehashes of old blowing. He has to blow across
bridges and come back and do it with such infinite feeling
soul-exploratory for the tune of the moment that everybody knows it’s
not the tune that counts but IT.
Dean was happy again. All he needed was
a wheel in his hand and four on the road.
Our battered suitcases were piled on
the sidewalk again; we had longer ways to go. But no matter, the road
is life.
You never cry. You don’t die enough
to cry.
He’s mad. And yes, he’s my brother.
His soul, I think, is wrapped up in a
fast car, a coast to reach, and a woman at the end of the road.
«Where we going, man?»
«I don’t know but we gotta go.»
No matter where I live, my trunk’s
always sticking out from under the bed, I’m ready to leave or get
thrown out.
The whole world opened up before me
because I had no dreams.
Suddenly I had a vision of Dean, a
burning shuddering frightful Angel, palpitating toward me across the
road, approaching like a cloud, pursuing me like
the Shrouded Traveler on the plain, bearing down on me. I saw his
huge face over the plains with the mad, bony purpose and the gleaming
eyes; I saw his wings; I saw his old jalopy chariot with thousands of
sparking flames shooting out from it; I saw the path it burned over
the road; it even made its own road and went over the corn, through
cities, destroying bridges, drying rivers. It came like wrath to the
West. I knew Dean had gone mad again.
I want to get on and on - this road
drives me!
I realized the jungle takes you over
and you become it.
They had come down from the back
mountains and higher places to hold forth their hands for something
they thought civilization could offer, and they never dreamed the
sadness and the poor broken delusion of it.
Dean took out other pictures. I
realized these were all the snapshots which our children would look
at someday with wonder, thinking their parents had lived smooth,
well-ordered, stabilized-within-the-photo lives and got up in the
morning to walk proudly on the sidewalks of life, never dreaming the
raggedy madness and riot of our actual lives, our actual night, the
hell of it, the senseless nightmare road. All of it inside endless
and beginningless emptiness. Pitiful forms of ignorance.
петък, 24 август 2012 г.
Забавно преведено стихче
Поредното преводче на стихотворение на Една Сейнт Винсънт Милей.
Каещата се
Имах малка Мъка
дете на малък Грях.
Открих сумрачна стая
и трима ни вътре запрях.
„Мъко, плачи“, заповядах
без време.
„Грях, моли Бог да те
а аз ще падна на колене
и ще мисля колко лоша
Уви, планът набожен
не чини и петак.
Уж стаята беше сумрачна,
а я изпълни светлик.
Мъката сълзи не проля,
Грехът кротко заспа,
а аз за бедната си душа
не помислих и за миг.
Затуй се изправих вбесена,
книга взех под ръка
и в косата си панделка
един младеж да впечатля.
Няма смисъл да отричам,
че бях много лошо момиче.
Но щом не изпитвам вина,
защо да не се повеселя?
I HAD a little Sorrow,
Born of a little Sin,
I found a room all damp with gloom
And shut us all within;
And, "Little Sorrow, weep," said I,
"And, Little Sin, pray God to die,
And I upon the floor will lie
And think how bad I've been!"
Alas for pious planning–
It mattered not a whit!
As far as gloom went in that room,
The lamp might have been lit!
My little Sorrow would not weep,
My little Sin would go to sleep–
To save my soul I could not keep
My graceless mind on it!
So up I got in anger,
And took a book I had,
And put a ribbon on my hair
To please a passing lad.
And, "One thing there's no getting by–
I've been a wicked girl," said I;
"But if I can't be sorry, why,
I might as well be glad!"
I HAD a little Sorrow,
Born of a little Sin,
I found a room all damp with gloom
And shut us all within;
And, "Little Sorrow, weep," said I,
"And, Little Sin, pray God to die,
And I upon the floor will lie
And think how bad I've been!"
Alas for pious planning–
It mattered not a whit!
As far as gloom went in that room,
The lamp might have been lit!
My little Sorrow would not weep,
My little Sin would go to sleep–
To save my soul I could not keep
My graceless mind on it!
So up I got in anger,
And took a book I had,
And put a ribbon on my hair
To please a passing lad.
And, "One thing there's no getting by–
I've been a wicked girl," said I;
"But if I can't be sorry, why,
I might as well be glad!"
понеделник, 13 август 2012 г.
Словесни концентрати: Уилям Стайрон, "Да лежиш в мрак"
He drank not only because whisky made him drunk but because,
away from his father, he found the sudden freedom oppressive.
The suffering hasn’t come quite yet. Not yet. It will take a
while longer. He doesn’t quite believe it, feeling with that certainty of selfish men that he will
never come by misfortune. The suffering will come suddenly, though. And soon.
The grief is coming now, she said to herself: He’s beginning
to know what suffering is. Perhaps that’s good in a way. Perhaps that’s good
for a man finally to know what suffering is, to know what a woman somehow knows
almost from the day she’s born.
Maybe that’s the key to happiness – being sort of dumb, not wanting to
know any of the answers.
The hearse came up with sleek, privileged gravity.
During the last few years he had relied upon her steadfast
gaze of love and longing, perhaps unconsciously enough, as one among the
assortment of props and crutches, which supported him against the unthinkable
notion that life was not rich and purposeful and full of rewards.
Haunting him still, his father’s ghost, words said years
ago: an old man in whom obscurity resembled solemnity often enough, and solemnity wisdom, but who
nonetheless – through a
stew of dogmatism and misinformation, in mild, uncomprehending protest at a world that long ago had
passed him by – managed
to say things which, if not precisely wise, were at least durable truisms,
Being a Southerner and a Virginian and of course a Democrat
you will find yourself in the unique position of choosing between a) those
ideals implanted as right and proper in every man since Jesus Christ and no doubt
before and especially in Virginians and (b) ideals inherent in you through a
socio-economic culture over which you have no power to prevail; consequently I
strongly urge you my son always to be a good Democrat but to be a good man too
if you possibly can.
A Sunday school choir commenced a falsetto chirping. Jesus
loves me. Methodists, probably. He could almost see it: a row of maple chairs,
young women with bad breath and half-moons of sweat beneath their armpits, a
basement somewhere smelling of stale leaking water and moldy religion.
It had been so simple at that age to be cruel, since
eighteen has no heart.
She was beautiful, she was young, and these two things
together caused Helen the bitterest anguish.
Only poets and thieves can exercise free will, and most of
them die young.
Both crucifix and river, in their different ways, sometimes
offered contentment and poignant, fugitive hints of another world.
From isolated branches the last leaves were falling in
endless spirals of loneliness.
The cowardly Puritan, he had always thought, or the cowardly
fundamentalist, unwilling to partake of free religious inquiry, uses the devil
as a scapegoat to rid himself of the need for positive action: “The devil
forced me,” he says, instead of, “I turned my eyes from Christ’s example,” and
by this process of negativism is enabled to perform any crime under the sun against humanity and reason.
Because he was never sure of the worth of his judgments he
often quoted imaginary sources to lend an air of authority.
Wherever you walk I’ll think of you because there are miles
more for both of us before we go to sleep.
For a man to arise in me, that the man I am should cease to
People who want a king nowadays want one with an aluminum
scepter, preferably collapsible, homespun robes and a big, broad smile.
Grandmother, who suffered from arthritis and an excess of
the Bible.
Those people back in the Lost Generation. They thought they
were lost. They were crazy. They weren’t lost. What they were doing was losing
A song of measureless innocence that echoed among lost
ruined temples of peace and brought to their dreams an impossible vision: of a
love that outlasted time and dwelt even in the night, beyond reach of death and
all the immemorial, descending dusks.
The sense of horror and failure had clutched his spine like
the wet, wrinkled hand of a drowned woman.
She’s lost love and grief maybe, he thought, but not hate.
Not hate.
The simple touch of a hand redeems us, and who knows, when
fingers clasp each other and press to the white, invisible bones, what
chemistry then? There is a decency in us that prevails and this touch, perhaps,
only reaffirms it.
He had had to cure something in her, and because she was a
reluctant patient, who had taken pains to nourish her suffering, his cure had
been forcible, abrupt and highly emotional.
He was an old man, suspicious of progress.
The bay was filled like a bowl with silence, and upon its
surface, as if scraped off from the moon, lay a litter of careless silver.
How, having committed so much wrong, would he ever get out
of life alive?
You look sad, my dear – you need wine and poesy.
Maybe I did cause all this. I killed with kindness the only
thing I ever cared for, really. Maybe we’re all just too highstrung. They
should have never put the idea of love in the mind of an animal.
You can’t even suffer properly, you’re like all the rest of
the sad neurotics everywhere who huddle over their misery and take their vile,
mean little hatreds out on anybody they envy.
I know I’m not perfect but I’m free and young and if I’m not
happy I at least know that someday I can be happy if I work at it long enough.
I’m free. If I’d hung around in Port Warwick you’d have your claws in me then.
I’d be obeying your precious code of Christian morality, which is phony anyway.
But it’s not that way. I’m free and you can’t stand it.
The dead do not remain long dead in big cities, or perhaps
they become deader.
If you stand here on the hill beneath a dead, wind-twisted
cedar, the island’s only tree, you can get a good view of the land – the sewage plant and the
prison and the burial ground, each recipient, in its fashion, of waste and decay.
I’m communing with the spirits of the dead.
I refuse to be needed unless I’m loved too and so to hell
with you.
It is symptomatic of that society that it should produce the
dissolving family. I know you say symptomatic not of that society, but of our
society, the machine culture, yet so archetypical is this South with its
cancerous religiosity, its exhausting need to put manners before morals, to
negate all ethos... Call it a husk of a culture.
It was a landscape dead and forlorn yet retentive of some
glowing, vagrant majesty, and against it the old man’s eyes looked proudly
upward, toward God perhaps, or perhaps just the dying sun.
Who knows our last end, thrown from the hub of the universe
into the dark, into everlasting space.
Undivorced from guilt, I must divorce myself from life, in
this setting part of time.
Not out of vengeance have I accomplished all my sins but
because something has always been close to dying in my soul, and I’ve sinned
only in order to lie down in darkness and find, somewhere in the net of dreams,
a new father, a new home.
Perhaps I shall rise at another time, though I lie down in
darkness and have my light in ashes.
понеделник, 6 август 2012 г.
Словесни концентрати: Дон Делило, "Космополис"
He wanted such a car [limousine] because he thought it was a platonic replica, weightless for all its size, less an object than an idea. But he knew this wasn't true. This was something he said for effect and he didn't believe it for an instant. He believed it for an instant but only just. He wanted the car because it was not only oversized but aggressively and contemptuously so, metastasizingly so, a tremendous mutant thing that stood astride every argument against it.
Torval, bald and no-necked, a man whose head seemed removable for maintenance.
They sat in the swell of blowing horns. There was something about the noise that he did not choose to wish away.
- I like taxis. I was never good at geography and I learn things by asking the drivers where they come from.
- They come from horror and despair.
- Yes, exactly. One learns about the countries where unrest is occurring by riding the taxis here.
You know things. I think this is what you do. I think you're dedicated to knowing. I think you acquire information and turn it into something stupendous and awful. You're a dangerous person. Do you agree? A visionary.
Do people still shoot at presidents? I thought there were more stimulating targets.
He knew what she would say to him, first line, word for word, and he looked forward to hearing it. He could hear it already in the nasal airstream of her vernacular. He liked knowing what was coming. It confirmed the presence of some hereditary script available to those who could decode it.
There's a rumor it seems involving the finance minister. He's supposed to resign any time now. Some kind of scandal about a misconstrued comment. He made a comment about the economy that may have been misconstrued. The whole country is analyzing the grammar and syntax of this comment. Or it wasn't even what he said. It was when he paused. They are trying to construe the meaning of the pause. It could be deeper, even, than grammar. It could be breathing.
There was a brief sound in his throat that I could spend weeks trying to describe. But how can you make words out of sounds? These are two separate systems that we miserably try to link.
Time is a thing that grows scarcer every day.
He began to understand that they'd invented her beauty together, conspiring to assemble a fiction that worked to their mutual maneuverability and delight. They'd married in the shroud of this unspoken accord. They needed the final term in the series. She was rich, he was rich; she was heir-apparent, he was self-made; she was cultured, he was ruthless; she was brittle, he was strong; she was gifted, he was brilliant; she was beautiful. This was the core of their understanding, the thing they needed to believe before they could be a couple.
Money makes time. It used to be the other way around.
If you know something and don't act upon it, then you didn't know it in the first place.
The future is always a wholeness, a sameness. We're all tall and happy there. This is why the future fails. It always fails. It can never be the cruel happy place we want to make it.
You know what anarchists have always believed? The urge to destroy is a creative urge. This is also the hallmark of capitalist thought. Enforced destruction. Old industries have to be harshly eliminated. New markets have to be forcibly claimed. Old markets have to be re-exploited. Destroy the past, make the future.
- It is the latest drug. Called novo. Makes pain go away. Look how good they feel. They are kids. What pain do they feel that they need to take pill? Music, okay, too loud, so what. It is beautiful how they dance. But what pain do they feel too young to buy beer?
- There's pain enough for everybody now.
Music that took you over, replacing your skin and brain with digital tissue.
The rain had stopped. This was good. This was clearly what it should have done.
Dying's a scandal. But we all do it.
It's hard for me to speak directly to people. I used to try to tell the truth. But it's hard not to lie. I lie to people because this is my language, how I talk. It's the temperature inside the head of who I am. I don't aim remarks at the person I'm speaking to but try to miss him, or glance a remark so to speak off his shoulder.
Torval, bald and no-necked, a man whose head seemed removable for maintenance.
They sat in the swell of blowing horns. There was something about the noise that he did not choose to wish away.
- I like taxis. I was never good at geography and I learn things by asking the drivers where they come from.
- They come from horror and despair.
- Yes, exactly. One learns about the countries where unrest is occurring by riding the taxis here.
You know things. I think this is what you do. I think you're dedicated to knowing. I think you acquire information and turn it into something stupendous and awful. You're a dangerous person. Do you agree? A visionary.
Do people still shoot at presidents? I thought there were more stimulating targets.
He knew what she would say to him, first line, word for word, and he looked forward to hearing it. He could hear it already in the nasal airstream of her vernacular. He liked knowing what was coming. It confirmed the presence of some hereditary script available to those who could decode it.
There's a rumor it seems involving the finance minister. He's supposed to resign any time now. Some kind of scandal about a misconstrued comment. He made a comment about the economy that may have been misconstrued. The whole country is analyzing the grammar and syntax of this comment. Or it wasn't even what he said. It was when he paused. They are trying to construe the meaning of the pause. It could be deeper, even, than grammar. It could be breathing.
There was a brief sound in his throat that I could spend weeks trying to describe. But how can you make words out of sounds? These are two separate systems that we miserably try to link.
Time is a thing that grows scarcer every day.
He began to understand that they'd invented her beauty together, conspiring to assemble a fiction that worked to their mutual maneuverability and delight. They'd married in the shroud of this unspoken accord. They needed the final term in the series. She was rich, he was rich; she was heir-apparent, he was self-made; she was cultured, he was ruthless; she was brittle, he was strong; she was gifted, he was brilliant; she was beautiful. This was the core of their understanding, the thing they needed to believe before they could be a couple.
Money makes time. It used to be the other way around.
If you know something and don't act upon it, then you didn't know it in the first place.
The future is always a wholeness, a sameness. We're all tall and happy there. This is why the future fails. It always fails. It can never be the cruel happy place we want to make it.
You know what anarchists have always believed? The urge to destroy is a creative urge. This is also the hallmark of capitalist thought. Enforced destruction. Old industries have to be harshly eliminated. New markets have to be forcibly claimed. Old markets have to be re-exploited. Destroy the past, make the future.
- It is the latest drug. Called novo. Makes pain go away. Look how good they feel. They are kids. What pain do they feel that they need to take pill? Music, okay, too loud, so what. It is beautiful how they dance. But what pain do they feel too young to buy beer?
- There's pain enough for everybody now.
Music that took you over, replacing your skin and brain with digital tissue.
The rain had stopped. This was good. This was clearly what it should have done.
Dying's a scandal. But we all do it.
It's hard for me to speak directly to people. I used to try to tell the truth. But it's hard not to lie. I lie to people because this is my language, how I talk. It's the temperature inside the head of who I am. I don't aim remarks at the person I'm speaking to but try to miss him, or glance a remark so to speak off his shoulder.
He is always ahead, thinking past what is new, and I'm tempted to admire this, always arguing with things that you and I consider great and trusty additions to our lives. Things wear out impatiently in his hands. I know him in my mind. He wants to be one civilization ahead of this one.
His bathroom mirror had a readout telling him his temperature and blood pressure at that moment, his height, weight, heart rate, pulse, pending medication, whole health history from looking at his face, and I was his human sensor, reading his thoughts, knowing the man in his mind.
The river was only two blocks away, bearing its daily inventory of chemicals and incidental trash, floatable household objects, the odd body bludgeoned or shot, all ghosting prosaically south to the tip of the island and the seamouth beyond.
You know me, kid. I could tell you I can't complain. But I could definitely complain. The thing is I don't want to.
Chairs have arms and legs that ought to be called by other names.
Why do people interpret gunshots as firecrackers going off or as cars backfiring? Because they aren't being hunted by a killer.
I've never liked thinking back, going back in time, reviewing the day or the week or the life. To crush and gut. To eviscerate. Power works best when there's no memory attached. Power works best when it makes no distinctions.
What's the difference between the protector and the assassin if both men are armed and hate me?
Even when you self-destruct, you want to fail more, lose more, die more than others, stink more than others. In the old tribes the chief who destroyed more of his property than the other chiefs was the most powerful.
Violence needs a cause, a truth.
Violence needs a burden, a purpose.
His bathroom mirror had a readout telling him his temperature and blood pressure at that moment, his height, weight, heart rate, pulse, pending medication, whole health history from looking at his face, and I was his human sensor, reading his thoughts, knowing the man in his mind.
The river was only two blocks away, bearing its daily inventory of chemicals and incidental trash, floatable household objects, the odd body bludgeoned or shot, all ghosting prosaically south to the tip of the island and the seamouth beyond.
You know me, kid. I could tell you I can't complain. But I could definitely complain. The thing is I don't want to.
Chairs have arms and legs that ought to be called by other names.
Why do people interpret gunshots as firecrackers going off or as cars backfiring? Because they aren't being hunted by a killer.
I've never liked thinking back, going back in time, reviewing the day or the week or the life. To crush and gut. To eviscerate. Power works best when there's no memory attached. Power works best when it makes no distinctions.
What's the difference between the protector and the assassin if both men are armed and hate me?
Even when you self-destruct, you want to fail more, lose more, die more than others, stink more than others. In the old tribes the chief who destroyed more of his property than the other chiefs was the most powerful.
Violence needs a cause, a truth.
Violence needs a burden, a purpose.
понеделник, 30 юли 2012 г.
АОПни небивалици
Сутрешната проверка на общесвени поръчки в сайта на Агенцията по обществени поръчки рядко е дейност изпълнена с жизнерадост или с каквато и да било жизненост всъщност. Обикновено ги прехвърлям докато клюмам над сутрешното кафе и чакам кофеиновият ритник да ми завърти чарковете. Обаче от време на време се намира по някой бисер, дето помага да ме разсъни, стига да не се задавя с кафето.
Ето и тазсутрешната перла, чийто хумор спада към областта на абсурдизма и/или сарказъм, средна категория:
"Открита процедура по ЗОП за избор на консултант за подготовка на тръжни документации за възлагане на обществени поръчки за избор на изпълнители за дейности по проект..."
Останалото не е важно. Нищо че включва неразагадаемата (поне за мен, поне толкова рано сутринта) фраза "деинституционализация на социални институции". Важното е, че хората си пускат обществена поръчка, за да си намерят някой да ги консултира как да пускат обществени поръчки. Рядко ми се случва да намеря по подходящ момент да кажа, че нямам думи. Сериозно, какво му се казва на това?
вторник, 17 юли 2012 г.
Пак преведено стихче
Някой ден ще взема да я преведа като хората тая стихосбирка на мис Милей. Ама засега ги карам едно по едно от време на време. Ей, на.
WHAT should I be but a
prophet and a liar,
Whose mother was a leprechaun, whose father was a friar?
Teethed on a crucifix and cradled under water,
What should I be but the fiend's god-daughter?
Whose mother was a leprechaun, whose father was a friar?
Teethed on a crucifix and cradled under water,
What should I be but the fiend's god-daughter?
And who should be my
playmates but the adder and the frog,
That was got beneath a furze-bush and born in a bog?
And what should be my singing, that was christened at an altar,
But Aves and Credos and Psalms out of the Psalter?
That was got beneath a furze-bush and born in a bog?
And what should be my singing, that was christened at an altar,
But Aves and Credos and Psalms out of the Psalter?
You will see such webs on
the wet grass, maybe,
As a pixie-mother weaves for her baby,
You will find such flame at the wave's weedy ebb
As flashes in the meshes of a mer-mother's web,
As a pixie-mother weaves for her baby,
You will find such flame at the wave's weedy ebb
As flashes in the meshes of a mer-mother's web,
But there comes to birth
no common spawn
From the love of a priest for a leprechaun,
And you never have seen and you never will see
Such things as the things that swaddled me!
From the love of a priest for a leprechaun,
And you never have seen and you never will see
Such things as the things that swaddled me!
After all's said and after
all's done,
What should I be but a harlot and a nun?
What should I be but a harlot and a nun?
In through the bushes, on
any foggy day,
My Da would come a-swishing of the drops away,
With a prayer for my death and a groan for my birth,
A-mumbling of his beads for all that he was worth.
My Da would come a-swishing of the drops away,
With a prayer for my death and a groan for my birth,
A-mumbling of his beads for all that he was worth.
And there sit my Ma, her
knees beneath her chin,
A-looking in his face and a-drinking of it in,
And a-marking in the moss some funny little saying
That would mean just the opposite of all that he was praying!
A-looking in his face and a-drinking of it in,
And a-marking in the moss some funny little saying
That would mean just the opposite of all that he was praying!
He taught me the holy-talk
of Vesper and of Matin,
He heard me my Greek and he heard me my Latin,
He blessed me and crossed me to keep my soul from evil,
And we watched him out of sight, and we conjured up the devil!
He heard me my Greek and he heard me my Latin,
He blessed me and crossed me to keep my soul from evil,
And we watched him out of sight, and we conjured up the devil!
Oh, the
things I haven't seen and the things I haven't known,
What with hedges and ditches till after I was grown,
And yanked both ways by my mother and my father,
With a "Which would you better?" and a "Which would you rather?"
What with hedges and ditches till after I was grown,
And yanked both ways by my mother and my father,
With a "Which would you better?" and a "Which would you rather?"
With him for a sire and
her for a dam,
What should I be but just what I am?
What should I be but just what I am?
Пеещата жена от покрайнините на гората
Какво съм аз,
ако не пророк и лъжец,
чиято майка е
елф, а баща й отец?
Закърмена с
кръста и под вода потопена,
какво съм аз,
ако не на Звяра роднина?
И с кого да
другарувам, ако не с змии и жабоци,
пръкнали се
между блатните треволяци?
И каква ли песен
да пея, на олтар осветена,
ако не молитви
и тропари, и псалми от Псалтира?
Такъв воал може
да откриете в тревата,
изтъкан от на
майка-фея ръката.
Пламък такъв е
вплетен в тревистите вълни,
където в мрежата
на майка-русалка блести.
Но що за чедо
може да се добие
от любовта на
свещеник и фея?
Нивгаш не сте
видели, а и няма по света
създания, каквито
ме топлеха в люлката.
Така че, каква
бих могла да бъда аз,
ако не монахиня
и развратница?
Поел през
храсталака в някой ден мъглив,
задава се тате,
с капчици покрит.
За смъртта ми
се моли, рождението ми проклина
и трака с
броеницата си чак до амина.
А ето я мама, на
колене лице подпира,
в неговото лице
ненаситно се взира
и в горския мъх
с пръсти думи реди,
противни на
всички негови молитви.
Той ме учи сутрин
и вечер да славя бога,
научи ме гръцки
и латински да говоря,
благослови ме
и ме кръсти, да ми спаси душата,
но щом ни обърне
гръб, ний призоваваме сатаната!
О, колко неща от
мене скрити останаха
зад плетове и
канавки, додето не пораснах аз.
И как ме разкъсваха
татко и майка
между „Кое
предпочиташ?“ и „Кое подобава?“.
С такива
именно двама господари
съм аз, ако не тяхно създание?
неделя, 15 юли 2012 г.
Словесни концентрати: Урсула Ле Гуин, „Лявата ръка на мрака“
Истината е въпрос на въображение.
В методите, възприети от Вселенския съюз, властта е станала нещо толкова тънко и сложно, че само изтънчен ум е в състояние да схване как действува тя; тук тя е все още ограничена, все още видима. У Естравен например се чувствува властта на мъжа като добавка към неговия характер; той не може да повтори жест или да изрече дума, в която да не се вслушат. Знае това, а то му придава по-голяма реалност, отколкото притежават повечето хора: солидност на съществуването, вещественост, човешко величие. Всеки успех влече със себе си и други успехи.
Забравих, че е крал и не гледа на нещата разумно, а като крал.
- Защо човек става предател?
- Не зная защо човек става предател. Никой човек не се смята за предател: затова трудно може да се намери такъв.
Гетенейците биха могли да направят колите си по-бързи, но не ги правят. Когато ги запиташ за причината, отговарят: „Че защо?“ Все едно да запиташ земляните защо всичките ни коли трябва да се движат толкова бързо; ние отговаряме: „Че защо не?“ Всеки с вкуса си. Земляните смятат, че трябва да напредват, да се развиват. Жителите на Зима, които живеят винаги в Година първа, смятат, че присъствието е по-важно от прогреса.
Шофьорът ми каза имената на тринайсетте [върха] и ми разправи разни истории за лавини, за сухопътни лодки, които планинските ветрове издухали от пътя, за екипажи на снегорини, заседнали със седмици на непристъпни височини, и тъй нататък, в приятелско усилие да ме изплаши.
Ханддара е религия без организация, без свещеници, без йерархия, без обети, без вяра; още не мога да кажа има ли тя бог или не. Тя е неуловима. Винаги е някъде другаде. Единствената й определена проява са крепостите, убежища, в които човек може да се оттегли и да прекара нощта или цял живот.
Зад политиката, парадите и страстите на тази държава се крие някакъв старовремешен мрак, пасивен, анархичен, безмълвен, плодотворният мрак на Ханддара.
Двама от Гадателите стояха настрана, без да говорят. (...) Те бяха Смахнатите. Тия хора бяха невменяеми. Гос ги наричаше „делители на времето“, което значи може би шизофреници. (...) Запитах излечими ли са тия двама психопати. „Излечими ли? — повтори Гос. — Че може ли да се излекува певец от гласа му?“
Единственото нещо, което прави живота възможен, е вечната, нетърпима несигурност: да не знаеш какво те очаква.
Мъжът иска мъжествеността му да бъде уважавана, жената иска женствеността й да бъде ценена, колкото и косвени и тънки да са проявите на уважение и оценка. На Зима те не могат да съществуват. Човек бива уважаван и оценяван единствено като човешко същество. Това е просто ужасно.
В Кархида враг е нашественикът, а не чужденецът. Чужденецът, който идва неизвестен, е гост. Враг е съседът ти.
Зима не е успяла да постигне за тридесет века дори това, което Земята постигнала някога за три десетилетия. Нито пък Зима е заплатила с това, с което е заплатила Земята. Зима е враждебен свят; наказанието за грешките е сигурно и бързо: смърт от студ или смърт от глад. (...) Затова са се придвижвали много бавно. За всеки момент от историята им един повърхностен наблюдател би казал, че целият технологически напредък и развой е спрял. А никога не е спирал. Сравнете потока и ледника. И двата достигат целта си.
Аргавен беше луд; неговата зловеща непоследователност помрачаваше настроението в столицата му; той използуваше страха. Всички хубави неща на царуването му се дължаха на неговите министри и на киоремията. Но не бе причинил и много злини. Неговата борба със собствените му кошмари не бе навредила на кралството. Братовчед му Тайб беше друг човек, защото в лудостта му имаше логика. Тайб знаеше кога да действува и как да действува. Само не знаеше кога да се спре.
Говореше много и за Истината, защото, както казваше, „прониквал под лустрото на цивилизацията“. Това е вечна, въздесъща, благовидна метафора — за лустрото, под което се крие по-възвишената действителност. То може да прикрива цяла дузина заблуди едновременно. Една от най-опасните е заключението, че цивилизацията, понеже е изкуствена, е неестествена, че тя е антипод на първобитността… Разбира се, лустро няма, процесът е процес на растеж, а първобитността и цивилизацията са степени на едно и също нещо. Ако цивилизацията има антипод, това е войната. От тия двете може да имате или едното, или другото. Не идвете едновременно.
Той се стремеше към нещо по-сигурно: сигурния, бърз и траен начин за превръщане на един народ в нация — войната.
Недостатъците са в посланика, не в посланието.
С думата „сътрапезничество“ се обозначават всички национални и правителствени институции в Оргорейн, от държавата като цяло, през съставляващите я тридесет и три поддържавици или окръзи до под-поддържавиците, общините, колективните ферми, мините, заводите и всичко друго, спадащо към тях. (...) Но може да означава също гражданите, самият народ. В тази любопитна липса на разлика между общото и специалното приложение на думата, в използуването й както за цялото, така и за частното, за държавата и индивида, в тази неточност именно се крие най-точното й значение.
Те се боят от Пратеника, кажи-речи, колкото Аргавен и повечето от придворните му; с тази разлика, че Аргавен го смяташе за луд като себе си, а те го смятат за лъжец като самите тях.
Въпреки широкия видим управленчески апарат, нищо не се върши видимо, нищо не се казва високо. Машината крие машинациите.
Да научиш на кои въпроси не може да се отговори и да не им отговаряш: това е най-необходимото умение във времена на напрежение и мрак.
За да станеш висш чиновник в Сарфа, изглежда, трябва да бъдеш глупав под някаква сложна форма.
Страшно е това състрадание, което хората никога не губят. Страшно, защото когато най-после останем голи в мрака и студа, само него имаме. Ние, които сме толкова богати, толкова пълни със сили, на края оставаме само с тая дребна монета. Нямаме какво друго да дадем.
Как може да се мрази или да се обича една страна? Познавам хора, познавам градове, чифлици, възвишения, реки, скали, видял съм как слънцето при залез наесен огрява склона на някоя орница в планините; но какъв е смисълът да сложиш граница на всичко това, да му дадеш име и да спреш да обичаш оттам, откъдето името престава да бъде валидно?
Никой не знае с положителност защо настъпват ледовете и защо се отдръпват. Снегът на Невежеството остава непокътнат.
Огън и страх - добри слуги, лоши господари.
Каква полза да търсиш безопасен път при такова пътуване? Има неразумни пътища, по които не бих тръгнал; но безопасен няма.
Той потъна в сън, както плувец потъва в тъмна вода.
Гетенеецът като напълно завършено създание смята телепатичната реч като нарушение на завършеността, пробив в неговата цялостност, който трудно може да понесе.
Пазенето на тайна в Кархида е до голяма степен въпрос на сдържаност, на мълчание по споразумение, по взаимно разбирателство — отбягване на въпроси, но не и отбягване на отговори.
Светлината е лявата ръка на мрака,
а мракът — дясната ръка на светлината.
Двете са едно, живот и смърт, легнали
заедно като любовници в кемър,
като сплетени ръце, като целта и пътя.
Слава на мрака и недовършеното Сътворение!
понеделник, 9 юли 2012 г.
Снощи сънувах Марти. Съвсем внезапно и без особена причина си беше вкъщи. Обаче аз знаех, т.е. помнех, че е умрял. Но въпреки това някак не ми беше чудно да го видя. Май проумях, че някак съм се върнала назад във времето, затова той още е там. И знаех, че няма още дълго да остане, затова му се радвах... ами като за последно.
Днес ми е носталгично едно такова. Крив ден. Дано не е повлече цялата седмица след себе си.
неделя, 8 юли 2012 г.
Летни деца
Лято е. Детските градини напълно са приключили, за нашате малка двойна напаст, оказва се, окончателно. На есен Нати ще е ученичка. Влади е година по-малък, обаче изглежда и той ще е първи клас... по ред административни, крайно интелигетни причини, които нямам желание нито да обмислям, нито да обсъждам.
До есента обаче все още има време и децата са на задължителния бабин дом. Двамата са големи сладури, живи, интелигетнти, мили, деца. Само от време на време, в изключителни случаи, не повече от веднъж-дваж на ден, могат да те докарат до такъв бяс, че да ти се пръсне главата, след като си си сменил цвета няколко пъти. А двамата помежду си се разбират като... ами като брат и сестра. Не че точно си дърпат косите взаимно, но почти. Отношенията им даже насън не се променят, както е видно от снимковия материал.
Когато се заиграят поне става тихо. А рисуването, разбира се, е огромна част от игрите. Те рисуват, баба им чете книжка. Тая година за първи път решихме да се четат не отделни приказки, а цяла книга, моля ви се. С идеята да я довършат, докато са тук. Книгата собствено се казва "Маншон, Полуобувка и Мъхеста Брада" и аз поне имам много топли спомени от времето когато я четох, на младини.
А ето и няколко примера от рисунките. На Влади:
И на Нати (надлежно надписани да не стават грешки):
Та така. При нас е весело и лятно, и приключенско. Де да видим колко време ще мине до първия голям рев.
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